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  • 🍐 #69: "Bearded guy" ad creative, great header visual for API products, and how to get devs for audience interviews

🍐 #69: "Bearded guy" ad creative, great header visual for API products, and how to get devs for audience interviews


Which dinosaur ate pears? Pearodactyl 🍐 ;)

This week on the agenda:

  • How to find devs for audience research interviews on Reddit

  • Great API product header visual from Deepgram

  • “Bearded guy” LinkedIn video ad creative

  • + a few bonus links at the end

Let’s go!

Developer marketing insights

1. “Bearded guy” LinkedIn video ad creative

First off, big thanks to Itamar Ben Yair for sharing so many awesome dev tool ad creatives. So helpful!

What I like about this one is:

  • It feels different, DYI, not overproduced. And because of that it catches your attention.

  • It keeps the attention of people who care by actually explaining what the product does. The “bearded guy” walks you through an example.

  • It is all based on the materials from their website and docs. No additional resources were needed to create it. That means no reasons/blockers not to do it.

Cool idea to test out.

2. Great API product header visual from Deepgram

If you have an API product presenting it in an exciting visual way is hard.

But Deepgram managed to do just that.

They go for an autoplay presentation that has four acts:

  1. Context: playing an audio file showing a spectrogram -> sets the context that this is something audio

  2. Code: They show the code from one of the SDKs being typed. And they show tabs at the top with other important SDKs to convey that this is not Python-only.

  3. Result: Shows the output of running the code, a transcript, and an AI-generated summary and topics.  

  4. Layers: Takes the points above and layers them in one viz to communicate that this is all part of one product, just different "views" of it.

And the delivery is just slick and elegant. Kudos team!

btw, Mux, the video API has a similar design of their visual. I think it is just a great visual element for API products.

3. How to find devs for audience research interviews on Reddit

So you want to talk to dev audience interviews. But not sure how to reach out and what to say. Devs don’t want to talk to sales etc.

True. But sometimes all you need is go where they are and ask.

I really liked what the founders of this startup did:

  • Found relevant subreddits where folks working in MLOps/DevOps and ML are (for example r/mlops)

  • Clearly explained why they wanted it: building a startup and doing exploratory analysis

  • Clearly explained what they wanted: interviews with people in mlops/devops/data scientists

  • Clearly explained what they will give for it: cash, as simple as that

Sometimes you don't need to overthink it and can just ask.

Need more developer marketing insights?

1. Work with me 🍐

Every week I have a few slots for Workshops (60-minute session on whatever you want), Teardowns (audit+suggestions for your homepage/messaging/ads etc), and longer-term Advising.

"Thanks so much for your time and all the thoughtful feedback coming from the workshop.

I feel like we are in a much better place to start our website rebuild. "

Sarah Morgan, Head of Product and Customer Engagement, Scout APM

2. Bonus links to check out

3. Join our Slack community

1600+ dev tool CMOs, heads of growth, product marketers, and other practitioners talking shop.

"Been here 20 min and already folks are sharing great advice."

Charles Cook, VP Marketing & Ops @Posthog

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