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  • 🍐 #53: Should you repost to Medium or dev.to, funky newsletter CTA, and a classic branding video

🍐 #53: Should you repost to Medium or dev.to, funky newsletter CTA, and a classic branding video


What are two pears doing at a computer? Pear programming 🍐 ;)

This week on the agenda:

  • Should you repost articles to Medium or dev.to?

  • Classic “What is Segment?” video

  • ShiftMag Newsletter CTA copy

  • + a few bonus links at the end

Let’s go!

Developer marketing insights

1. Should you repost articles to Medium/dev.to/Hashnode/Hackernoon?

Saw it come up multiple times in our community, I know it from my own experience, you probably thought about it too.

It’s a common question/problem in dev tools. Goes like this:

“We have a blog on our site. Should we repost to dev.to/hackernoon/medium etc with a canonical pointing to our site?”

So Oleksii and his team tried it for multiple customers and… saw no impact:

  • No increase in traffic to the website

  • No engagement on posts

And reposting articles on all of those sites costs time. Not a ton of it but enough to be seen.

I can only add +1 to it from my own experiments.

So yeah, seems like we should just spend our time elsewhere and don’t feel bad about it ;)

2. ShiftMag Newsletter CTA copy

It is just such a funny call to action.

It starts with a chuckle-worthy:

"Sarcastic headline, but funny enough for engineers to sign up"

Then they follow up by disarming the "is that spam" and building more rapport with:

  • "Written by people, not robots - at least not yet."

  • "May or may not contain traces of sarcasm, but never spam."

They end with an alternative call to action. RSS feed.

Most newsletters don't do RSS.

But for many devs RSS feed is the preferred content subscription.

Great job!

3. Classic “What is Segment?” video

Came across this classic What is Segment brand video while watching an interview with one of the folks behind it, Maya Spivak (she is awesome btw).

What I like about it is that:

  • it is fun, not formal, builds rapport

  • it introduces the core problem the tool solves

  • it shows the tech and explains it in a way that is simple but not simplistic

And it follows a flavor of the classic AIDA format:

  • Introduce problem

  • Agitate it, make the viewer feel it

  • Explain obvious solutions + problems with it

  • Show how your product solves it

  • Tell people how to start

Putting all that in 90 seconds is hard.

And even though this video is 4 years old it could easily still work today IMHO.

Really solid baseline to s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ get inspired by ;)

Need more developer marketing insights?

1. Work with me

  • I have a few slots every week for 60-min strategy sessions and longer-term advising. We can talk strategy, tactics, brainstorming, whatever you need right now. See how it works -> 

  • You can also promote your product/service/job in this newsletter. But I want to 100% make sure this will add value for the readers so… Let’s talk first ->

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3. Bonus links to check out


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