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  • šŸ #38 Modern developer-led GTM, clever office hours CTA, and Snowflake billboards.

šŸ #38 Modern developer-led GTM, clever office hours CTA, and Snowflake billboards.


What do you call a pear that knows how to rap? A rapear šŸ;)

This week on the agenda:

  • Modern developer-led go-to-market motion

  • Memorable, funny, billboards from Snowflake

  • Getting folks to your office hours through CTA in the docs

  • + a few bonus links at the end

Letā€™s go!

Developer marketing insights

1. Modern developer-led GTM

I really like how Achintya Gupta and the Reo.Dev team dissects developer sales in their ā€œDeveloper led growthā€ newsletter.

A lot of great insights in there including a deep dive into modern developer-led GTM.

Here is a tldr.

What is ā€œModern developer-led GTMā€ about:

  • It acknowledges 2 very different personas involved in the purchase process, a Developer and a Buyer.

  • It is neither bottom-up nor top-down, but hybrid.

  • It is collaborative and assumes coordination between teams (product/devrel/marketing/sales).

And because of that, you need to:

  • Think Account First; Lead Second

  • Understand who is a buyer and who is a user from your lead database

  • Setup a Developer Database to Nurture Developers from aspirational accounts

  • Analyse and Strategise Account Entry based on Accounts with Relevant Developer Activity

  • Collaborate and Close

2. Flatfile office hours CTA in the docs

So you set up office hours with your product team and you want to get as many users/customers/prospects to show up on a weekly basis.

Btw, I really like the concept of office hours.

  • You give people the option to "get a demo" and answer their questions

  • But you don't make them schedule anything, they can just come (or not)

You get your devrels or product to do those weekly and then you just have to figure out how to get people there.

Classic options are to put info in onboarding sequences, in the app, or on the website hello bar.

But Flatfile had another idea. They put it in their docs homepage header.

I find this idea brilliant as many people who browse your docs (especially for the first time) are in that evaluation mode and would actually want to do that.

Plus calls to action in the docs get more respect by design ;)

Try it out!

3. Snowflake billboards

Ideating how to do dev tool billboards?

I like these from Snowflake.

Especially the customer showcase ones as the format can be almost copy-pasted ;)

But the most interesting thing about those billboards is:

  • they placed just a few of them strategically in the cities they went after

  • And changed the content of those billboards frequently

By doing that:

  • they fight ad fatigue

  • they stay top of mind with the buyers

  • they seem to have billboards everywhere

Love it.

Btw, found this campaign in a guest post from Maya Spivak in Elena Vernaā€™s newsletter ā€œElenaā€™s Growth Scoopā€. Make sure to give them a follow!

Need more developer marketing insights?

1. Work with me

  • I have a few slots every week for 60-min strategy sessions and longer-term advising. We can talk strategy, tactics, brainstorming, whatever you need right now. See how it works -> 

  • You can also promote your product/service/job in this newsletter. But I want to 100% make sure this will add value for the readers soā€¦ Letā€™s talk first ->

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3. Bonus links to check out

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Talk to you next week,


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